Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Elder Abuse Ivan J. Fail - or Murder?

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Ivan Lee Fail

The day we buried our dad, Ivan J. Fail on December 23, 2005 - Larry Fail's Son Adam Fail asked Ivan Lee Fail the following question.

"Ivan, why would you not let us see Grandpa before he died."

Ivan Lee answered. "Well Adam, you see Larry did this to himself. He has to pay for his mistakes and bad conduct."
Adam said "this not the Leavenworth Prison." Ivan Lee had worked as a prison Guard for 20 plus years. Adam then asked Ivan Lee to be more specific. Ivan Lee could offer nothing more except to say. "The deed will stay as it is."

Ivan was talking about the "Transfer on Death Deed" that gave him, his brother John and Gary and Tonia Nelson $600,000 worth of Wilson County Farm land with a Ranch Home that Ivan J. Fail & Helen B. Fail wanted Larry Fail to get. Sister June did not want anything in her name as she had committed Medicaid fraud by having her name removed from the Transfer On Death Deed and replaced by the names of her daughter Tonia and her husband Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson to 200 acres of land that she was to get upon the death of her father. She stole Larry's land and also attempted to steal John's land on memorial day 2005.

There was 1100 acres of land with three sets of Buildings worth $2,000,000. There were four children that were to share in the Estate. Three got it all in a Conspiracy to defraud the fourth, Larry Fail and his Children. See the 34 Transcripts of Tape recordings between Larry Fail and Ivan Lee Fail wherein Ivan has full knowledge that Larry was to receive his share of the land. He also had a Power of Attorney that allowed him to resolve the deed problem before Ivan J. Fail passed, and Ivan J. had told Ivan Lee prior to his death in the rest home that he wanted Larry to get the land. Ivan Lee deceived Larry and his children into believing that he would take care of the deed so Larry would get the land.

Ivan Lee Fail then stalled, lied and deceived Larry and his children until Ivan J. Fail had passed. He then engaged in a smear campaign against Larry on the internet and contacting two of Larry's lawyers threatening them in writing that their careers would suffer if they continued to represent Larry. The attorneys took Larry's money and withdrew from the case Fail v Fail that Larry had filed in 2006. Co-conspirator, and beneficiary of the fraud Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson had also told a third lawyer that Larry had hired derogatory and demoralizing information that resulted in Wichita Liar/Lawyer Brian Grace-less defrauding Larry out of $2,500 and doing nothing. Larry later got an noncollectable Judgment against Lawyer Grace-less. Larry also filed a Complaint against Lawyer Grace-less with the Kansas Disciplinary Administrator. Lawyer Grace-less has lost his liars degree, shut off his phone and closed his office. Larry received only $865.85 of the $2,500 that he had paid Lawyer Grace-less from the Kansas Client Protection Commission. See tab for Lawyer Brian Grace-less and listen to Larry's Song "Money that's all everyone seems to want."

For further details on Ivan Lee Fail, Gary A. Nelson, Tonia Nelson, June Dedeke, John Roy Fail & Patty Hon etal see the Letter to Kansas Governor, and Google the names.

Listen to Audio Tape of Transcript No. 28 wherein Ivan Lee Fail is telling Larry Fail that he talked to their father Ivan J. Fail on December 5, 2005 and their father told him that he wanted Larry and son Adam to get the land and Mineral Rights in question. Ivan Lee Fail, June Dedeke, John Roy Fail, Patty Hon and Gary & Tonia Nelson stole the property anyway. Also read Tape Transcript 28 - select Tape Transcripts Black index bar to the left.


  1. Know The Signs Of Elder Abuse. Visit Blog.FailvFail.com - and/or web site

    1. Threats of abandonment to the degree that it causes the victim anguish and pain to the degree of crying and deep depression.
    2. Threats to the victim in an attempt to get him to sign hand written agreements giving over full authority over all of the victims financial matters
    and deciding who they can see.
    3. Locking up the victim in a rest home and not allowing them to see family members.
    4. Issuing "No Contact Orders" against family members preventing them from calling or visiting the victim.
    5. Refusing and failing to tell the victim why family members have not come to see them.
    6. Harassing the victim into signing Transfer on Death Deeds and thereby the wrongful taking of the land.
    7. Refusing to comply with victims request to see their lawyer.
    8. Threatening, intimidating and telling the victim that they would not move into the victim's home and take care of him
    if he did not give them a deed to the farm.
    9. Harassing the victim while in his Hospital bed forcing him into signing a Transfer on Death Deed under duress, thereby taking the land.
    10. Retaliating against the victims of their abuse and fraud by Calling, and Mailing threatening letters to their
    lawyers to stop representing the victims of their Fraud.
    11. Death Threats against the Victim.

    The System is ill prepared to address these issues. The Status Quo is "Old People Die Every Day - So What!"
    It is Popular in America. Some people believe some things should be better kept in the Family including Greed, Elder Abuse, Foul Play and even Murder.
    Others say "I don't want to get involved". Apathy Prevails in Elder Abuse Cases.
    However, It is Criminal & Cruel.

    In the Victims dying days dysfunctional family members Scheme & Scramble for the Victim's Money.

    Information. jen36789 @ gmail.com 800-722-9529
    • Location: Blog.failvfail.com

  2. Simply put – my sister married the village idiot. They had a daughter that married a lawyer who wanted and got my land. It is a story about greed and murder. It is a witch’s brew made in hell. It is my onion based on first hand knowledge, conduct of the parties, their motive, opportunity and preparation. This scam was planned out over a long period of time. They were scheming while I was trusting and dreaming. It cost me a $1,000,000, my father, and part of my family.
    1. 40 years ago my sister Iva June Fail Dedeke married the Village Gene Dedeke.
    2. 30 years ago they borrowed $175,000 from my father to keep from losing 80 acres of land, two houses, a Service Station Car Repair Shop that they had bought in Leavenworth County Kansas.
    3. They refused to pay the loan to my father, and attempted to sell the property.
    4. I helped my father and his lawyer Charlie Hinchell in getting the Dedekes to sigh a Mortgage to protect my father’s money. They later refused to pay the loan.
    5. My father was forced to evict them from the land.
    6. My sister and her husband sued my father and filed Bankruptcy against him in an attempt to defraud him .
    7. They instilled vengeance and hate in their two children by lying to them and telling them that my father and me had stolen their land.
    8. We were not allowed to see their two children for over 10 years.
    9. Their children made documented deaths threats against my father.
    10. As Murphy’s law would have it - Their daughter Tonia Dedeke Nelson married a Lawyer. Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson. He was the legal expert that crafted and directed the estate fraud. He got my land that my mother and father wanted me and children to receive with they passed.
    11. I discovered the plot and deed scam shortly before my father passed. I called my brother Ivan Lee Fail. He told my sister that I had discovered the deed. Using her Medial power of attorney - she immediately place my father in a rest home and he died before I could hire a lawyer to help me see and talk with him. She had him buried within 48 hours.
    12. I sued them and spent $50,000 on five different lawyers. One by one they quit after Gary Nelson called and talked to them . I had called over 125 lawyers in Kansas. 95% of them were not interested when they discovered that I was suing a lawyer.
    13. Lawyer Nelson filed a Motion for Summary Judgment. I was forced to defended it without a lawyer and lost. Judge Rogers dismissed and tossed my case. Lawyer Nelson knew the judge for 30 years. The judge’s father was my ex-wife’s divorce lawyer in the same Court room in 1964.
    Read more at www.siblingthieves.com
    844 Max List
